An interview is definitely not a walk in the park! Its nerve-wracking.
It takes practice, time and patience to perfect.
Our top 10 tips will help you ace your next interview
1. Be on time
Being on time will not only keep you relaxed and stress free, it will show the Employer that you can be reliable.
2. Dress for the job you want
If you are currently with a company and going for an interview, do not go to the interview dressed in your current uniform. With this, we mean: if you work in a Butchery for example, do not go to an interview dressed in your white butchers jacket that would most likely be full of meat an blood. Have a shower at home first, dress neat and professionally.
3. Have some questions prepared
This is my personal favorite! Do not be afraid to ask questions. This will only show the Employer your interest and enthusiasm about the position and company.
4. Have a note pad and pen with you
This is absolutely allowed. No one will judge you on this. Make notes if you want to. An interview is nerve-wracking as it is, we are just human and can sometimes forget the things that were said in an interview. This will also showcase your interest in the company and position.
5. Know the interviewers name and how to pronounce it.
No one likes their name being pronounced incorrect. This is the most important person's name that cannot be pronounced incorrect. You want to impress for sure.
If you are not sure, ask
6. Greet the interviewer with a handshake, smile and eye contact
This will not only showcase your professionalism but your confidence too - even if you are nervous.
7. Do research on the company
Google is amazing! A lot of companies these days have Facebook Pages too. Check out what they are all about. This might spark an interesting conversation and help you shine above the rest.
8. Dont speak negative about previous employers
If you can do it to your previous Employer, you are most likely to do it to your next. This is a statement that will go through your interviewers mind when you do this. No company wants a baf reputation. Avoid this at all costs.
9. Keep your social media clean
Yes, we as Recruitment Specialists and Employers check your social media. If you bad mouth your employer on your social media for example - what are the chances you will land a job at a new employer? None. If you only post negative stuff, what impression will this give?
10. Dont ask about salary
Refrain from asking what the salary is when going for an interview Rather wait for an offer letter to see salary and benefits. Then its on the table for discussion.
Any questions? Please feel free to contact us